Immigration: Germany Calls in McKinsey to Fix the Refugee Crisis

“ „We will manage,“ Chancellor Angela Merkel said in October about the huge refugee influx into Germany. The verb is appropriate because, apart from everything else, the crisis is a management challenge. Now, Germany’s migration service, BAMF, has asked has called in consultants from McKinsey & Co. to help streamline the asylum application process.
Europe’s Refugee Crisis
Frank-Juergen Weise took over as head of BAMF in late September. His predecessor Manfred Schmidt — who faced the task of processing the 800,000 asylum seekers expected in Germany by the end of the year (now the number probably is closer to 1 million) — quit for „personal reasons.“ Weise, a crisis manager with extensive business experience who was once tapped to improve the efficiency of the German armed forces, called in McKinsey, which had handled a similar job for the Swedish migration board, Migrationsverket.“ “
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