Shinzo Abe stirbt nach Attentat

08.07.2022 11:58 Uhr

Der frühere japanische Regierungschef Abe ist tot. Der 67-Jährige war bei einem Wahlkampfauftritt niedergeschossen und schwer verletzt ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden.


Russia reacts to Shinzo Abe’s tragic death
08.07.2022 12:41 (Updated: 08.07.2022 14:04)
Russian politicians pointed out Abe’s professionalism and diplomatic qualities. They pointed out that Abe was a strong politician, one of the few who advocated ties and peace with Russia.


Kommentar Dr. Gudrun Eussner:

Russia reacts to Shinzo Abe’s tragic death. Pravda, July 8, 2022 12:41 (Updated: 08.07.2022 14:04)

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram of condolences to Shinzo Abe’s wife and mother.

„The hand of a criminal cut short the life of an outstanding statesman who headed the Japanese government for a long time and did a lot to develop good neighborly relations between our countries,“ Putin wrote.

It is worthy of note that India declared national mourning in connection with Shinzo Abe’s death.

According to Senator Alexander Bashkin, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had come very close to restoring friendly relations between Russia and Japan.

According to Bashkin, Japan’s new Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has destroyed the relations.
Das ist im Original fett gedruckt. G.E.


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