Germany – A Country Without Sovereignty In A Comatose State

by Tyler Durden
Monday, Nov 11, 2024

Submitted by Rene Zittlau


„If you look at the current situation with a cool eye, you can only wonder how a country that set cultural, scientific and industrial standards until 90 years ago could completely lose its compass.

First it was destroyed by Hitler – the Germans allowed this to happen. Then Germany became a vassal – the Germans allowed that to happen. Finally, they managed to drive the former industrial jewel of the world to the wall with the most incompetent leadership you could dream of. A new government with Merz as Chancellor will do nothing to change this, as he has already been bought and paid for by the hegemon.

This article is therefore not about the political kindergarten in Berlin, which can hardly be put into words, but attempts to describe the fundamental problem of this great country and provide food for thought.“ (…)

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