Why Rushdie’s ‘The Satanic Verses’ is still so controversial

Author stabbed several times and now in critical condition in perhaps worst ever act of violence against a US-based literary writer

by Myriam Renaud August 13, 2022

„Author Salman Rushdie is in hospital with serious injuries after being stabbed by a man at an arts festival in New York state on Friday. The following article was published on the 30th anniversary of the release of The Satanic Verses.

One of the most controversial books in recent literary history, Salman Rushdie’s “The Satanic Verses,” was published three decades ago this month and almost immediately set off angry demonstrations all over the world, some of them violent.

A year later, in 1989, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, ordering Muslims to kill the author. Born in India to a Muslim family, but by then a British citizen living in the UK, Rushdie was forced to go into protective hiding for the greater part of a decade.“ (…)



(…) „Mohammad Karamirad, Mitglied der Kommission für nationale Sicherheit und Aussenpolitik des iranischen Majless, sagte über die Fatwa von Khomeini: «Die Fatwa von Khomeini beruhte auf der Abtrünnigkeit von Salman Rushdie. (Hervorhebung GB)

Es war ein Urteil, das auf den heiligen Gesetzen des Islam beruht», wie «Die Welt» berichtet.“ (…) Siehe:






Tilan Nagel:

Was ist der Islam? Grundzüge einer Weltreligion

Verlag Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2018




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