Eric Zemmour in London

French far-right candidate Eric Zemmour said courting voters in London

Ultra-nationalist TV pundit, who has yet to formally announce candidacy, speaks to a packed room of French expat voters at event promoting new book

By TOI staff and Agencies 20 November 2021

(…) „Zemmour, whose parents were Jewish immigrants to France from Algeria, spoke at the Ibis Hotel after a charity canceled an event because of his convictions for hate speech.

The Royal Institution, which has Prince Charles as a patron, said it would not allow its premises to be used by the anti-immigration and anti-Islam pundit.

London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan, who is of Pakistani origin, also denounced him, saying: “Nobody who wants to divide our communities, or incite hatred against people because the colour of our skin or the God they worship, is welcome in our city.” “ (…)


Kommentar GB:

Als Antisemit oder Judenhasser kann der angebliche „French far-right candidate“ Eric Zemmour nicht bezeichnet werden, aber da er sich gegen die Islamisierung Europas wendet, wird er von Kollaborateuren des Islam dennoch als „far right candidate“ bezeichnet. Wobei unterschlagen wird, was der Islam ist:


Islamismus und Kollaboration


Der Islam als grund- und menschenrechtswidrige Weltanschauung

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