What Would a Le Pen Presidency Mean for France, Europe, and NATO?

Apr 21, 2022

The Big Question is a new feature in which Project Syndicate commentators provide compelling answers to a timely question.


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Project Syndicate kann wohl zu Recht als Organ der Global Governance unter Führung der Democratic Party (USA) angesehen werden. Es ist sicher kein Zufall, daß sich der frühere Bundesaußenminister Joschka Fischer hier äußert – Zitat:

(…) “ Joschka Fischer
Given Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine and his threats – including nuclear intimidation – against other Eastern European countries, a victory for Le Pen would be a major political triumph for the Kremlin. After all, France would change sides during the war. In military terms, France is by far the strongest EU member state, a nuclear power, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, and the EU’s second-largest economy after Germany. A Le Pen victory would be a disaster for France. The country’s long-standing allies would regard it as a loose cannon within the Western system, and its credibility would be destroyed. Such an outcome would also be a mega-disaster for the EU. The prospect of one of the EU’s founding pillars pursuing an “empty chair” policy in Brussels for the next five years would mean five years of blockage. There would be no common security policy, no transformation of the EU into a geopolitical actor, no further enlargement, and no deeper integration. And that would be the best-case scenario under a President Le Pen.

The worst-case scenario would be the destruction of the EU, meaning that all the progress made in the last 70 years would be lost. Europe would revert to nationalism – a pure nightmare.

Make no mistake, this would be a realistic option under a President Le Pen. She would first turn to Russia and therefore split the EU. Together with the institutional impasse, this could lead to the outright collapse of the Union. For NATO, a Le Pen victory would be a severe blow, but not as lethal as for the EU, as long as the United States sticks to its commitments. NATO would be weakened if a President Le Pen withdrew France from its integrated military command and reached out to Russia, but the Alliance’s unity would be strengthened under the pressure of this crisis. In short, the election of Le Pen would be a major disaster for France, the EU, and NATO. But the biggest loss would be suffered by France in terms of trust and credibility, which could not be restored quickly. So, let’s hope for the best on April 24. “ (…)

Die Grünen dürften wohl mit und durch die Übernahme des Auswärtigen Amtes durch Joschka Fischer und mittels der „US-Feuertaufe“ des Jugoslawienkrieges politisch fest in die o. g. US-Struktur der Global Governance integriert worden sein.


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