Xi’s new Communist Manifesto

Leader’s unshakeable ambition is that China’s renaissance will smash memories of the ‚century of humiliation‘ once and for all

by Pepe Escobar November 15, 2021

Xi’s new Communist Manifesto


(…) „A major purpose of Beijing’s military installations on features it occupies is to detect US submarines that are a threat to China. But its rival claimants view its occupation and militarization of its occupied features as aimed primarily at them, thus conflating their interests with that of the US.

The US is now building a coalition of like-minded democracies to contain and constrain China, including in Asia – Japan, Australia, India and South Korea – and in Europe – the UK, Germany and France. The maritime focus of this coalition is on a Free and Open Indo-Pacific and in particular “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea.

But many nations distinguish between freedom of commercial navigation and the “freedom” to threaten and spy. China has not threatened commercial transit, and Southeast Asian nations recognize this. China does oppose in word and deed US military intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance probes that threaten its security.“ (…)


Parsing Beijing’s confusing South China Sea policies

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