Palestinians Die as Hostages of Hamas

by Tarek Fatah
The Toronto Sun
May 19, 2021

„As hundreds die in Gaza once more, one cannot help feeling the pain of the Palestinians. They bury their dead children with no end in sight. Another ceasefire may come into effect soon, but will not end their multi-generational misery as a people without a state.

The tragedy of the Palestinians is not that they don’t have a state of their own (which they deserve), but that they are being held hostage by a leadership that, decade after decade, does not learn the lessons of their accumulated defeat and humiliation.

When the United Nations voted in 1947 for a partition of British Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state with Jerusalem under UN governance, the Arab leadership rejected that division and invaded the Jewish state the following year. Arab forces from Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen all attacked the newly created Israel and were defeated.

Palestinians are held hostage by a leadership that doesn’t learn from decades of accumulated defeats.

Imagine if the Arabs had accepted the partition. Palestine would today be a modern state and the thousands who have died in the repeated folly of war as a ‚jihad‘ against the ‚Yahud‘ (Jews) had a chance to excel instead of being scattered across the globe.“ (…)

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