How Hamas‘ Assault Serves as Iran’s Testing Ground

by Jonathan Spyer
The Jerusalem Post
May 20, 2021

„Hamas’s war effort against Israel is of importance to Iran as a testing ground for a certain strategic hypothesis. As [Hamas representative in Tehran Khaled] Qaddoumi put it, the movement this time „applied a strategic shift in the concept of resistance, from defending Gaza against Israeli attacks to defending all Palestinians living in historic Palestine.“

This statement accurately points to the essential strategic question underlying this round of fighting. In recent years, the Palestinian Arab population west of the Jordan has become politically fragmented. Four identifiable populations exist: the Arab citizens of Israel, the inhabitants of Gaza, the Arab inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the population living under the administration of the West Bank Palestinian Authority.

The Hamas offensive which began with the launching of seven missiles at Jerusalem on May 10 is an effort to test the hypothesis that by mobilizing the symbol of al-Aqsa Mosque, and then initiating military action in the name of its defense, Hamas could reduce or remove these divisions.“ (…)

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