Childhood of Horror: Tales of Muslim Mothers and Daughters

„Ex-Muslim Yasmine Mohammed, a Canadian citizen of Egyptian and Palestinian ancestry, just published a dramatic and heartbreaking memoir, Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam. In it, she describes a childhood of horror, one in which as a girl, „you are taught to be ashamed of everything you do, everything you are.“
Daily beating, strangling, slapping, hair pulling, death threats, and domestic servitude are normalized, as is the most extreme verbal abuse, mainly from her mother: „I pissed you out,“ she said. „You are my urine…You are a turd that I should have flushed…You are nothing.“
Yasmine Mohammed’s childhood reads like a page taken from my book, Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman, a book that major feminist leaders in the West cautioned me not to publish lest the „men use it against us.“ “ (…)

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