Die westlichen Verbündeten haben Lieferprobleme bei Hilfsgütern für die Ukraine

20. April 2022


Dr. Gudrun Eusssner


Die westlichen Verbündeten haben Lieferprobleme bei Hilfsgütern für die Ukraine




und eine Ergänzung:


By Jack Watling [originally a journalist], War on the Rocks, April 12, 2022

The question is whether the West can move proactively to deter Russia from escalating to a summer offensive, or, failing that, ensure that Ukrainian units are equipped and prepared for the next round of fighting beyond the Donbas. That will require training on new systems and reconstitution of some Ukrainian units, as well as the replacement of key equipment. If Ukraine’s allies do not start that process now, they risk once again being caught between what Ukraine needs and what its military can absorb in time. …
War on the Rocks, 20 April 2022, 14h40
When evaluated in terms of U.S. national interests [sic]

and partner-nation outcomes 😂,

a great deal of security assistance fails to meet the mark.





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