Vladimir Putin and the Risk of World War III

Mar 11, 2022 George Soros

After receiving a green light from Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his war in Ukraine in an effort to reclaim the old Russian empire. But both leaders appear to have misjudged the situation, raising the prospect of a global catastrophe – unless they are removed from power.

„SAN FRANCISCO – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24 was the beginning of a third world war that has the potential to destroy our civilization. The invasion was preceded by a long meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping on February 4 – the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. At the end of that meeting, the two men released a 5,000-word, carefully drafted document announcing a close partnership between their two countries. The document is stronger than any treaty and must have required detailed negotiations in advance.“ (…)

„We can only hope that Putin and Xi will be removed from power before they can destroy our civilization.“

(Hervorhebung GB)

George Soros is Chairman of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundations. A pioneer of the hedge-fund industry, he is the author of many books, including The Alchemy of Finance, The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What it Means, and The Tragedy of the European Union: Disintegration or Revival? His most recent book is In Defense of Open Society (Public Affairs, 2019). 


und ergänzend – mit Blick auf China:

How China Can End the War in Ukraine
Mar 10, 2022 Stephen S. Roach


Kommentar GB:

George Soros hat m. E. sehr großen Einfluß innerhalb der „Global Governance“, und deshalb ist seine Sicht des aktuellen militärischen Konflikts von großem Interesse. Dabei sind m. E. die Auslassungen – z.B. im Hinblick auf die NATO-Politik – von besonderer Bedeutung, und ebenso die Benennung der Ziele aus seiner Sicht. Fragwürdig daran scheinen mir die Personalisierungen (Putin, Xi) zu sein weil sich die – objektive! – geostrategische Lage der Länder  – hier Rußland und China – sich durch einen personellen Wechsel in der jeweiligen Führung nicht ändert.





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