How Qatar Became the Power Broker of Afghanistan

by Seth J. Frantzman
The Jerusalem Post
August 25, 2021

„Qatar has been playing a key role in the return of the Taliban to Afghanistan. It has also been playing a key role in flights to Kabul. It has won widespread praise for both, seemingly contradictory, policies.

However, this is the Qatar methodology: presenting itself as both a power broker that can work with extremist groups, while backing those groups, while also appearing to back stability and work with the countries dealing with the chaos left behind by these groups.

As such, Qatar positions itself as the country that everyone needs in order to work in Afghanistan. It both flies in journalists to cover the chaos at Kabul and provides „protection“ for Americans in Kabul. Protection against the very group, the Taliban, which Qatar hosts. Qatar also hosted the „peace“ talks that the Trump administration pushed for Afghanistan in early 2020, sidelining the Afghan government and making sure the Taliban would triumph.“ (…)

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