Wave of ‚Extra-Continental‘ Migrants Predicted in Biden’s First Year

by Todd Bensman
The Center for Immigration Studies
December 18, 2020
„It bears remembering that next year’s now-broadly predicted surge of illegal immigration to the U.S. Southwest Border — largely the result of the Biden campaign’s months of messaging that the incoming president will clear all obstacles and penalties for it — will include not only Spanish-speakers.
Aspiring migrants who in past years have shown up from more than 150 countries also have heard the Biden-Harris clarion calls of welcome. They are building up behind a dam of Latin America coronavirus border closures and of President Trump’s deterrence policies, waiting for the moment when they are all removed sometime during 2021.
As the Center for Immigration Studies has frequently reported, migrants from very distant countries are known in aptly descriptive government parlance as „extra-continentals“ or, if they are from countries where violent jihadist ideology is ubiquitous, „special interest aliens“. (See this January 2020 CIS video report about extra-continental and special interest alien migration.)“ (…)

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