Zerfällt Europa? (1) Europa zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit

Viele fragen sich, was angesichts des schnellen Wandels ihrer Lebensverhältnisse an Verbindlichem oder Verbindendem bleibt. Sicher die Bindekräfte der Nationen Europas. Auf sie werden die Europäer nicht verzichten dürfen, wenn sie gemeinsam handlungsfähig bleiben und die Aufgaben lösen wollen, die sich ihnen durch die Globalisierung stellen.

21.02.2016, von Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble
GB: Anfang Januar 2015 zur Migration:
Und im Hinblick auf die Immigrationspolitik eine Publikation der Bertelsmann Stiftung
GB: Das Projekt „Vereinigte Staaten von Europa“ vor dem Ende?:
Was zu tun wäre:
EASA – Memorandum

Prof. Dr. Erich Hödl:

European Transition into a Socio-ecological Market Economy


The European Union has introduced the Europe 2020 Strategy and Horizon 2020, which contain several elements for a transition into a Socio-ecological Market Economy. But their implementations are mainly hampered by the unduly large financial sector and the political striving for high economic growth. A turn into low growth equilibrium needs a reduction of total capital inputs, which are composed of financial, man-made and natural capital. Whereas the reduction of financial capital needs a strong, but actually lacking political will, the reduction of man-made and natural capital depends on a real capital saving innovation system, which should partly be financed by a transfer of financial capital to the real productive sector. Beyond a strong reduction of financial capital and depending on existing ecological, social and economic problems, the innovation system should save man-made and natural capital accordingly. In all cases these innovations need higher qualification by means of a human-centered educational system. Higher educational investments, i.e. augmented “human capital,” are decisive for a transition into a Socio-ecological Market Economy for two reasons: First, higher qualification will augment the wage-profit relation and second, capital saving innovations will reduce productive capital inputs without reducing the profit rate on the reduced real capital stock. Increasing “human capital” intensity will accelerate the transition into low growth equilibrium with a higher consumption-investment relation, which creates more domestic final demand and needs lower export surpluses. Starting from existing high productive and financial capital intensity, during the transition saving surpluses in Europe will decline only step by step; they should not be allocated in financial markets, but for a considerably more human-centered education and real investments in Europe and the Third World.“


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