Neue englischsprachige Publikation der Friedrich – Ebert – Stiftung zu antifeministischen Mobilisierungen in Europa

Neue englischsprachige Publikation der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung zu antifeministischen Mobilisierungen in Europa
Im Vorwort zur Broschüre heißt es: „This publication is a result of a successful cooperation between the Foundation of European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and the regional gender programme of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) on critically analyzing anti-gender discourses in European far right and conservative party programmes andthe role of the respective parties in shaping the discourse and mobilisations. The publication looks at five case studies: France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia with the purpose to comparatively examine the
commonalities and divergences of this phenomenon, also offering a chronological overview. […]”
Eszter Kováts und Maari Poim (eds.):
Gender as symbolic glue: the position and role of conservative and far right parties in the anti-gender mobilizations in Europe
Brussels: FEPS, 2015.

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